Last year, back when I was on Facebook, my sister commented that she made egg in the middle of toast for her kid. I commented: LOL. That’s what I call it too. She said that was what mama always called it.
See, my mom rarely cooked breakfast when we were kids. 6 kids in the family plus the parents? No, breakfast was more often cold cereal or oatmeal or pop tarts. When she actually cooked breakfast, it was usually a breakfast for supper thing that could be served family style. A plateful of bacon, slices of toast (8 slices can be cooked in the oven at once), scrambled eggs, and grits. Mmm...grits. I know what I’m eating for breakfast tomorrow, but I digress.
As far as I know, mama started making egg in the middle of toast for her grandkids. It seems like a kid friendly food to me, which is probably why she made it.
Years ago, I remember my little daughter telling me one day how grandma made her egg in the middle of toast. I had to look it up, and started making it for her too. And that’s what I always called it.
For those who are unfamiliar with the subject of this diary, basically a slice of bread is buttered on both sides, a hole is cut out, then both bread and the cut-out is placed in a pre-heated skillet with an egg cracked open and dropped into the hole and cooked on both sides. Egg and toast in one.
Back to my sister and Facebook- I LOL’d because “egg in the middle of toast” seemed more of a recipe descriptor than a recipe name. Curious, I looked it up on the intertubes to see what it was actually called and discovered it goes by many names. See the poll.
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